Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by Jim Buterbaugh

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 36

  • Whitehall Study Commision Needs Your Thoughts: Survey to be Mailed in March

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Whitehall Study Commission|Feb 5, 2025

    The Whitehall Study Commission will be mailing out questionnaires to all postal patrons in the Whitehall Post Office area. Originally these questionnaires were planned to be released this week; however, they will now be mailed in March. Each questionnaire will be addressed to the postal customer registered to that post office box. The Local Government Review process is complicated; its scope and intent are easily misunderstood. But it’s important to know that the review is not a platform for airing discontent or mobilizing change in the ways t...

  • Political Op-Ed: Tester's Lies

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Whitehall Resident|Oct 23, 2024

    What a sorry state of affairs our political system has become. Running for office has always been a dirty, ugly business, but in all my years, I have not seen anything like the last ten years. The lies in the past have always been there. But this….wow. It’s so blatant. It’s so obvious. Tester’s voting record: I never thought that auditing something was a bad idea, like auditing the Federal Reserve. Wouldn’t it be nice to know what we have in a bank? Yet, when it comes up, Tester votes against auditing the Federal Reserve. Why is that? Eve...

  • Op Ed: The Republican Party Platform - A Reply

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Sep 18, 2024

    I read Don Lepinsky's op-ed with great awe. Amazing. Capable of analytical thought? Distressing? Feel-good talking points? Oh my! Now, I realize Don is a hardcore Democrat. The proof is in talking to him and his ridiculous sign by the Interstate. I have had many discussions with him, and we are always civil. The one thing that had always bothered me was that I would give him facts and where to find them on the internet, but I don’t think he ever looked them up. But his op-ed. It is so full of it that I can not let it be. The first thing that m...

  • Dear Editor: The Platform of the Montana Republican Party

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Jefferson County Republican Central Committee|Aug 14, 2024

    Dear Editor, Recently, two representatives (male and female) from the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee went to the Republican National Convention. Upon their return, they presented the Platform of the Montana Republican Party, a 16-page summary of our position on Montana and national issues. America needs determined Republican leadership at every level of government to address the core threats to our very survival: our disastrously open border, our weakened economy, crippling...

  • Dear Editor: Tester Testing

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Jun 12, 2024

    Dear Editor, Tester tired...tired of the lies. I have grown accustomed to the fact that many politicians would rather tell an 'untruth ' than admit they are worthless. But the commercials I see on TV threaten my ability not to put my remote through the screen. I write of the commercials where you hear, "I am John Tester, and I approve of this message." Tester claims he has been after Biden to secure the border. Except Tester has supported Biden's open border policy. Tester claims...

  • Dear Editor: I Support Stacy Zinn

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|May 29, 2024

    Dear Editor, I know this is two weeks too late, but better now than never. I am writing in support of Stacy Zinn, a candidate for the congressional seat Matt Rosendale left vacant. I have met with Stacy several times; when she was in town last week, I had lunch with her at the Two Bit. (great food, by the way). She is a small ball of fire. She has spent 23 years with the Drug Enforcement Agency. As an agent, she spent time at the southern border in operations targeting Mexican drug cartels. Duri...

  • Dear Editor: Rebuttal on Rank Choice Voting

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|May 15, 2024

    Dear Editor, Good Wednesday, Jefferson County. This is a little note about last week's letter to the editor trying to mislead on Rank Choice Voting. The writer stated that I misrepresented Ballotpedia's explanation of rank-choice voting, saying we would only vote once as usual. He stated that the only thing that would be required is multiple tabulations and instant run-offs. How do you get multiple tabulations and instant run-offs? It seems to me you must vote. Nothing is wrong with the system e...

  • Dear Editor: Rank Choice Voting

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|May 1, 2024

    Dear Editor, Rank Choice Voting: Ballot issues CI126 and CI-127; most of this explanation of Rank Choice Voting came from Ballotpedia. The way to think of it is election by elimination. Let's say six candidates are running for office. Under today's system, whoever gets the most votes wins. Done. Finished. With Rank-Choice Voting, a candidate wins when they have 51% of the votes. (The legislature could require a supermajority of 61%, though I don't know why.) In the first round, Candidate A recei...

  • Dear Editor: Correction to My Last Letter

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Nov 8, 2023

    Dear Editor, Last week I wrote a letter to the editor stating that “politicians lie.” I need to correct that thought. While we are used to politicians saying one thing to get elected and then doing another in office, that reference was too broad. In Montana, we are fortunate enough to have representatives in office who say what they will do and then do as they say. Or at least try to. This last session we were fortunate enough to have many. Theresa Manzella, Becky Beard, and Marta Bertoglio to...

  • Dear Editor: Your Vote Does Count

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Nov 1, 2023

    Dear Editor, Our country was built on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It cannot survive the days when the government places itself above the people it governs. Our representatives that we elect are meant to be just that, OUR representatives. Not Washington's. The Governor we elect is OUR Governor, not Washington's representative. If you have any doubts about the wonders of our life under the laws that our forefathers created, look at other countries. Look at the life they have today. Look a...

  • Oh, What A Night at the Fall Harvest Festival

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Whitehall Precinct Captains|Oct 25, 2023

    On Sunday, October 15th, the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee held its annual Fall Harvest Festival at the Keffler Ranch, and what a dinner it was! 175 attendees enjoyed an evening that started with a Happy Hour to meet and mingle with the hosts and sponsors while Lance Handyside provided some great country music. The special speaker for the night was Nick Adams. Many stated that they were so busy listening to Nick that they forgot to take pictures. Nick Adams is the founder and CEO of the Foundation for Liberty and American...

  • Dear Editor: What is a Living Constitution?

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Feb 1, 2023

    Dear Editor, What is a Living Constitution? Since I have gotten political (my youngest daughter’s fault), I have heard from time to time references to the Constitution as a living document. I have always thought of the Constitution as the law of the land. What our great country was based on and without it, the United States would just be another kingdom or worse. And of course, the only way to understand something is to learn about it. After many hours of researching Living Constitution I have come to the conclusion that it basically means that...

  • Dear Editor: Ignorance is Bliss at COS

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Jan 25, 2023

    Dear Editor, Whether you are for or against the Convention of States (COS), please take a moment to read this and consider heavily what I have to say. I was at the Helena Capital building to absorb the words of others and testify against the COS. As I listened to those in support, I could feel the strength of their belief. They talked of budget requirements, term limits, and restricting the federal government. That sounds so compelling, doesn't it? The supporters stated that those who oppose...

  • Dear Editor: Budgets and Pork

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Jan 4, 2023

    Dear Editor, One of the jobs the House side of Congress has is to plan a budget for the government to operate the following year. They are required to have this budget presented for a vote by the end of September, thirty days before the end of the fiscal year on October 31. Unfortunately, over the decades, those in charge have figured out that they can put it off until after the fiscal year ends and force a vote on a budget package that has little to do with the budget of the United States. This year is no different. Except for this year, the...

  • Dear Editor: Tiring of Misleading Dribble

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Dec 7, 2022

    Dear Editor, Well now, this is different. I know that my letters are usually long, but this is in response to the letter last week wondering whether or not big corporations were going to get any more tax breaks when the republicans take charge of the house next month. I tire of this misleading dribble. I have a suggestion and this is to everybody, do not listen to the dribble from either party. When you hear garbage about anything in politics, Google it. Quick, easy, and very informative. Corporate welfare or research and development subsidies...

  • Dear Editor: China Funds Universities

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Nov 30, 2022

    Dear Editor, As Vladimir Lenin said: control education, control the future. Well, it was something to that effect. Other nations understand this and use it to some extent in the United States. But no one has influenced education in the U.S. as China has. And yet most parents in America are unaware. A 2021 Lawfare Project poll notes that almost 60% do not know that China and other countries are major contributors to colleges. In 2021, the University of Houston received $32 million dollars from the Dalian Maritime University, which is run by the...

  • Dear Editor: ESG

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Nov 23, 2022

    Dear Editor, A new alphabet soup set of initials has been floating around recently, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). Simply put, this is the cooperation of the United Nations, countries, and corporations to change the world. Obviously, it is not stated that way. Environmental changes include moving to wind and solar from fossil fuels, and electric vehicles from gas. Social includes racial, gender, and economic equity, which includes diversity training for employees; and of course, gun control. Notice it is no longer about equality....

  • Dear Editor: The Dangers of Halloween

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, The Dangers of Halloween: Halloween. Boy, oh boy. What great memories. As a child of the 60s (the 1960s) my brother Bob and I spent the days before Halloween planning what to be. Of course, I had been a Cowboy, Ghost, Soldier, and Cop. These are the ones I can remember. As an older kid, I went as a girl. The norm back then. Going door to door as a kid to get a variety of little candies seemed awesome. The best were the people that made popcorn balls, brownies, and caramel apples. I remember my mom having to check the homemade...

  • Dear Editor: No Support Here for Penny Ronning

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Oct 5, 2022

    Dear Editor, I read with interest and sadness the Letter to the Editor (LTE) in the September 28th issue of the Whitehall Ledger from John Driscoll of Helena. It started off so well. He wrote about how all political parties and most media are about convenience to their agenda, whichever side their loyalties lie with. Obviously true. He refers to them as ‘grasstops’ politics, as opposed to ‘grassroots’ politics. Then he went on to label about every type of Montanan there is, thankfully omitting race, ethnicity, and sexual preference. The onl...

  • Dear Editor: Mental Health

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Jun 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, Commissioner Bob Mullen is a wealth of information when it comes to mental health. He worked for the State for 15 years at the Addiction and Mental Health Department. He has helped to bring mental health training to county employees. I sat with him to see what was going on in mental healthcare at the county level. The State has started the Regional Community Mental Health Centers. So far, they are in Great Falls, Missoula, Billings, and Miles City with plans to expand. The Montana Association of Counties offers health and human...

  • Guest Editorial: Memorial Day Freedoms

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Jun 1, 2022

    Coming from a family which has been involved in every war from World War 1 to Vietnam, holidays honoring our military and civilian personnel during wartime past and present have always had a special place in my mind and heart. But none more than Memorial Day. It has been my honor for the past few years to stand with my fellow Whitehall area Veterans within the American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard, at funerals and functions. This year as we stood on a windy, rainy, cold Monday, in line behind the graves of the fallen, my...

  • Dear Editor: Seeing the inner workings

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Candidate for Jefferson County Commissioner|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor For the last two years, I have been following our County Commissioner (Leonard Wortman) around, getting an idea of how the system works and what is being done to Improve our little heaven in the United States. In doing this, I had the pleasure of meeting Lindsey Graham. Not the politician, but a gal working with the Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC). When I visited with her, she told me that they were working to improve the daycare problem in Whitehall and Boulder. Daycare has become a problem nationwide since both...

  • Why Do I Want To Be Jefferson County Commissioner?

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Jefferson County Commissioner Candidate|May 4, 2022

    When I ran for Senate District 38 in 2020, I spent a lot of time following the happenings in Jeff County and what all it took to make the county function. While I lost by 57 votes, I got an education on what goes on behind the curtain in keeping the county operating. Being county commissioner is no easy task if you do it right. I had always thought of it as roads, bridges, the dump, and using your money to pay the bills. But it is so much more. To do this right, you have to be actively involved...

  • Dear Editor: Immigration

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Jefferson County Commissioner Candidate|Apr 20, 2022

    Dear Editor, For years we have watched as our government becomes less involved with our southern border. Now it is to the point where the border is wide open. People are coming into this country and we have no idea where they are from, what they have done in the past, or what their intentions are. Many I know talk about the lives these people are leaving behind. The poverty, the threats from gangs, the crimes, and the sufferings they live through. What they do not want to hear about is the crime coming in with an open border. And it is an open...

  • Dear Editor: Rosendale Article Reply

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Apr 6, 2022

    Dear Editor, In the Whitehall Ledger on 3/23/22, there was an opinion piece by Jim Smith of the Daily Montanan pointing out Congressman Rosendale’s no votes. When Matt ran for office, one of the platforms he ran on was costs. When it comes to saving the taxpayer money, Matt is no stranger. As Montana Insurance Commissioner, he trimmed the fat and saved the Montana taxpayer a chunk of dough. Mr. Smith compared Congressman Rosendale’s no votes to a child suffering from arrested development. Then he threw in a bunch of bills that Matt voted no on....

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