Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the January 24, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • Town Council Hears From Visionary Broadband

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 24, 2024

    Visionary Broadband representative Brian Worthen met with the Whitehall Town Council at their January meeting on Monday, January 16 at the Whitehall Town Hall. For many, his information was an exciting new development of business opportunity for the Whitehall area. For the town, it was a bit of a headache in the form of legal processes, and for some local businesses, potential competition in the fiber internet realm. Worthen detailed the federal grant he was awarded to put fiber internet throughout the town of Whitehall, information he had...

  • Shooters Descend Upon Whitehall

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 24, 2024

    The 21st Annual Cori Bishop, Steve Dyson, and Dave McLaughlin Memorial Pool Tourney brought in 70 teams, and 134 matches were played during the two-day event, held Saturday, January 20th, and Sunday, January 21st at multiple locations throughout Whitehall. The Whitehall Pool League would like to thank all sponsors and volunteers for making this tournament a success. The results of the tournament are as follows: 1st: Dustin Hamper & Luke Johnson; 2nd: Dave Custer & Sam Pickett; 3rd: Kevin LaFond...

  • Whitehall Little Guy & Junior High Wrestling Signups January 25th

    Jan 24, 2024

    Whitehall Little Guy and Junior High wrestling signups will be held at the Whitehall High School cafeteria on Thursday, January 25th from 4:30 to 5:30 PM. Those 5 years old through eighth grade are eligible. The cost is $50 per wrestler plus a $50 singlet deposit (returned to you at the end of the season upon singlet return). Come sign up, stay, and support the Whitehall High School Trojan Wrestlers for Senior Night on Thursday. Have questions? Come to signups to get answers or contact Duane Wock at 406-570-0238....

  • Gianforte Issues Executive Order to Ensure Montanans Stay Warm

    KAITLIN PRICE, Office of the Governor|Jan 24, 2024

    Governor Greg Gianforte issued Executive Order 2-2024 declaring a state of energy emergency to make it easier for carriers to supply much-needed propane, heating oil, and diesel fuel during harsh winter conditions. “Montanans have seen harsh winter weather this week, affecting families through power outages, frozen water supply lines, loss of heat, ice jams, and supply chain disruption,” Gov. Gianforte said. “This executive order will ensure the timely and necessary delivery of petroleum products so that Montanans can continue to heat their...

  • Thought Provokers: 1/24/2024

    Jan 24, 2024

    Considering how important they are, it’s amazing how teeth don’t grow back and can’t be repaired. When you eat, exercise, and live healthily, you will still die healthy. All of us live less than 65 miles from space, yet only a very few will ever go there. Every village used to have an idiot. With the internet, the village idiots have formed their own villages. Be so proud of yourself for passing your hardest moments alone while everyone believed you were fine. Maybe the only difference between heaven and hell is the people in it. You don’t...

  • John Herman Ballard, 77

    Jan 24, 2024

    John Herman Ballard left this earth to be with his Lord and Savior on January 21, 2024. John came into this world on November 22, 1946, with his twin brother Bill Ballard. He was born in Whitehall, Montana, and was raised with his four siblings up the South Boulder and in the Cardwell Basin by Jack and Gladys Ballard. John had a great passion for horses and big rigs. As a grown man, he almost always owned a horse and loved to ride and hunt. When he needed to work, even though John certainly... Full story

  • Ledger Looking Back: 1/27/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 24, 2024

    JANUARY 27, 1999 On Friday, January 22, icy conditions caused a school bus carrying 30 Willow Creek basketball players and fans to hit a jack-knifed semi-truck head-on on Highway 41 south of Whitehall. Montana Highway Patrol Officer Jay Nelson of Whitehall said the southbound truck lost traction on the icy road around 10:55 PM as it climbed the hill approx. a mile and a half north of Silver Star. The truck then slid backward down the hill and jack-knifed across both lanes of the two-lane road....

  • JeffCo Health Department Update: 1/24/2024

    PAM HANNA RN, Jefferson County Public Health Supervisor|Jan 24, 2024

    Improving our health is a priority for many of us as we begin a new year. One of the best things we can do when planning for a healthy future is to determine what our health needs are. Adopting healthy behaviors is part of the picture. The other piece comes with seeking preventative care. Life is busy - and for many of us, seeking medical care is something we do only when we are ill or injured. Have you thought about the last time you had a medical check-up, a vision or dental screening, or a...

  • Whitehall Chamber Corner: Our Population is Getting Older...Is Your Marketing Holding Up?

    Jan 24, 2024

    It's predicted that by 2040, 80.8 million residents of the US will be over the age of 65 (currently, we're at 47 million). That's more than double the number in 2000. While we can wring our hands all day worrying about things like social security and healthcare as the population ages, an older demographic can also be a lucrative market to explore for your business. With more people staying active longer, they're more apt to make their own buying decisions as well. In the past, many seniors got...

  • Tech Questions? Get the Answers: 1/24/2024

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Jan 24, 2024

    E-Waste Disposal In our rapidly advancing technological era, electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to laptops and beyond, the constant evolution of technology leads to a significant accumulation of electronic waste, or e-waste. Proper disposal of these devices is crucial to mitigate environmental impact and ensure the responsible management of hazardous materials. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to safely dispose of electronic devices. 1....

  • Pool Shark Reports: Weeks of 1/11 and 1/18

    LESLIE DYSON, Whitehall Pool League|Jan 24, 2024

    WEEK OF 1/11/2024 TEAM K-Bar 1: 17 wins, 0 losses K-Bar 2: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint 2: 11 wins, 6 losses Two Bit 2: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Jeremy Jensen, Chuckie Dirkson, Will Bowen, Gordon Lyons, Brad Babb, Dwayne McClanahan 3 wins, 1 loss: Kenton Keener, Tyler Babcock, Rick Kelley, Tyler Blair, Todd Choquette, Michael Clark WOMEN 2 wins, 2 losses: Leslie Dyson WEEK OF 1/18/2024 TEAM Two Bit 1: 13 wins, 4 losses Two Bit 2: 13 wins, 4 losses Mint 2: 11 wins, 6 losses K-Bar 2: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Brian...

  • Who's running for office in Montana in 2024? Here's a running list.

    ARREM KIMBEL-SANNIT and ALEX SAKARIASSEN, Montana Free Press|Jan 24, 2024

    Montana’s 2024 ballot will host a suite of consequential elections — among them a race that could decide the balance of the U.S. Senate, two open seats on the Montana Supreme Court, two U.S. House races, the governorship, and a bevy of other statewide offices. And, for good measure, there may be some major ballot measures thrown in too. With less than a year to election day, campaign announcements are coming fast and furious from seasoned politicians and grassroots activists alike. It’s enough to bewilder a political junkie, much less a more...

  • DPHHS Announces New Hiring Incentive, Historic Pay Increases at Health Care Facilities

    JON EBELT, Montana DPHHS|Jan 24, 2024

    Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) Director Charlie Brereton today announced one-time incentive payments and targeted, historic wage increases to recruit and retain employees at Montana’s state-run healthcare facilities. The new effort is designed to reduce reliance on contracted clinical staff and demonstrates DPHHS’s continued, strong commitment to reforming and investing in the facilities that serve Montana’s most vulnerable patients. Dir. Brereton announced the Hiring Incentive Program for direct patient care positions a...

  • Bingo at St Teresa's

    Jan 24, 2024

    The Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Feed & Bingo had a great turnout on Saturday, January 20th....

  • Whitehall Sustainability Committee Opens Grant Cycle for New Projects

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 24, 2024

    The Whitehall Sustainability Committee (WSC), with oversight from Golden Sunlight Mine, was formed in 2022 to help Golden Sunlight rank community projects in the Whitehall area by a local advisory group. In 2022 the WSC funded $135,000 worth of projects in the form of the new playground on Legion Avenue and the upcoming daycare facility next to the Whitehall Schools. In 2023 it heard projects from the Whitehall Recreation Complex and Gold Junction Presents - 2023 grants have not yet been...

  • RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Atholl Brose Cheesecake

    Jan 24, 2024

    Each year, Valentine's Day presents many opportunities for couples to show one another just how much they care. One of the ways they often do so is through homemade dinners and desserts in which love and affection are two of the most vital ingredients. Few people will turn away a bite of something sweet come February 14th, but some may have a hankering for something other than chocolate or strawberries. Atholl Brose is a fifteenth-century Scottish drink that is similar to the popular Irish...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 1/24/2024

    GEORGIA|Jan 24, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, I am seriously contemplating going under the knife. I have a monstrosity of a nose that I just can’t pass on to my future offspring - if I fix it now they won’t ever have to worry about it. However, my husband thinks “Why stop there?” He suggested I also get a boob job because then our future daughter won’t have to worry about that either. I think that’s insensitive and he has really hurt my feelings. What do you think? Nosey and Not Well-Endowed Nosey, Well, let’s start at the beginning here. Your looks, which...

  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report: Week of 1/14/2024


    SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 10:56:20 Animal: Piedmont Rd 11:37:42 Traffic Offense: I-90 12:43:56 Traffic Hazard: I-90 17:36:48 Civil: S Division St MONDAY, JANUARY 15 00:31:55 Traffic Hazard: I-90 02:13:53 Motorist Assist: I-90 02:31:24 Motorist Assist: I-90 09:28:46 Citizen Assist 15:18:28 Medical: W First St 16:16:47 Vehicle Accident (Injury): I-90 16:20:31 911 Hang Up 17:00:52 Transport: Highland Blvd 21:45:24 Extra Patrol: Bates Lane 22:33:48 Suspicious Person: N Division St TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 08:53:53 Civil Standby: W Viella St 11:29:56 Hit & Run:...

  • Connecting Point: Authority & Power

    BILL LANES|Jan 24, 2024

    The two themes “Authority & Power” are seemingly ageless throughout history. We certainly are accustomed to governing bodies today overplaying or seeking to hold authority and power. George Orwell said, “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.” In the 1st century, this was true as the Roman occupation of Israel put a bad taste in the mouths of the Jewish people. The God-fearing and God-honoring Jews became blinded by their animosity toward others. Those who were shown G...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 1/24/2024

    Jan 24, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may have an artistic talent that you haven’t explored yet. Events this week may spur you on to try something new because inspiration is high for you right now. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, your household may not agree on which remodeling changes to make. Unless you come up with a compromise, nothing will get done at all. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 A miscommunication with a loved one could have you trying to make amends soon enough, Gemini. Don’t worry, you will easily resolve your differences in time. CANCER Jun 22/...

  • Jefferson County Schools Receive Bomb Threats

    TOM GRIMSRUD, Jefferson County Sheriff|Jan 24, 2024

    Several schools in Jefferson County each received a bomb threat on the evening of Tuesday, January 16th similar in nature to threats received by other schools throughout Montana. The schools impacted included Whitehall High School, Jefferson High School, and Montana City School. The schools immediately coordinated with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a sweep of their facilities. The investigations did not locate any suspicious devices. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will continue to work with the Montana Department of...

  • Faith, Hope, and Love at Annual Banquet

    Jan 24, 2024

    The Women's Auxiliary at St. Teresa's Catholic Church is happy to introduce Chuck Buus from Golden Sunlight Mines as the guest speaker at their annual banquet set for February 7. The theme for this event is FAITH, HOPE & LOVE which intertwines throughout all parts of our lives, personal or professional. The event begins at 5 PM, giving you time to peruse the bountiful silent auction selections, gift certificates, and 50/50 drawings. The scrumptious New York roast dinner with all the...

  • WHS Drama to Compete at Festival

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 24, 2024

    Whitehall High School’s Drama group has not participated in the Montana Thespian Festival for several years (I believe the last time was in 2009, but can’t be certain). The 2023-2024 WHS drama participants are excited to change that with their entry into competition this year. Thespian Festival is held at the University of Montana in Missoula February 16th - 17th. As the drama director at WHS, I am very proud of these students and the hard work they’ve put into this play. This is my second year as director - last year I truly wish we had been a...

  • Trojan Basketball Learning with Each Game

    Jan 24, 2024

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