Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the May 8, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Whitehall Public Transportation Needs Your Support - Join Them Saturday!

    KARA OSBORNE, Whitehall Public Transportation|May 8, 2024

    Whitehall Public Transportation (WPT) invites you to join the fun on Saturday, May 11, for their Mother's Day Breakfast at the Whitehall Community Center from 8 AM to 11:30 AM. The price depends on age, and door prizes will be available for Mom! This event is an important fundraiser for WPT. Many don't realize how important WPT is to our community or even what they do. "I never knew I could hop on the WPT bus and catch a ride to Butte or Bozeman," said Ledger owner Elizabeth Pullman. "I...

  • Make Sure Head Start Stays: Enroll Now

    RHEA ARMSTRONG, Rocky Head Start - Whitehall|May 8, 2024

    Did you know Whitehall has a Head Start program? We do, and spring enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is underway. Any child born between 9/11/2019 and 9/10/2021 is eligible to apply. Early registrations are especially necessary as the program was under-enrolled this past year and is a candidate to be cut should the minimum of 13 pupils not be reached. At Head Start, we are more than just a no-cost early education center for children. We support the entire family. Parents are their...

  • Join TSS & Meet Montana at Thursday's Chamber After Hours

    CHIARA SCHOBER, Whitehall Chamber of Commerce|May 8, 2024

    The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce invites you to our upcoming Whitehall Business After Hours, where local professionals connect, collaborate, and build valuable relationships. This quarter’s After Hours will be held Thursday, May 9th at 6 PM at the TSS Conference Room (in the former Extension office at the corner of Legion and C Street). Please use the metal ramp up the right side of the building and enter through the exterior door; the conference room is the first door on the right. Our h...

  • Driver Survives Crash Off Homestake Pass Cliff

    KXLF Montana|May 8, 2024

    A driver survived a crash after the semi-truck he was driving plunged a reported 100 feet down a cliff face off Interstate 90 at 10 PM Monday, April 29. According to the Whitehall Fire Department, the driver was eastbound on Homestake Pass between Whitehall and Butte when the crash occurred. Responders said in a social media post that the truck had hit a guardrail. The semi-cab separated from the frame and rolled down the cliff while the rest of the truck stayed on the road. Rescue teams used rope and other devices to lower rescuers and...

  • Dear Editor: Bible Texts Offered by Whitehall Church of Christ

    JOHN DUFORD, Whitehall Church of Christ|May 8, 2024

    Dear Editor, Ever promise yourself that someday you'd start reading your Bible every day but never got around to it? You're not alone. We will start a new round of free daily phone texts this week, designed to help you read your Bible cover-to-cover in about one year. This ministry is entirely non-denominational. You can use whatever version you prefer, and it doesn't cost you a penny. This will be the seventh year the Whitehall Church of Christ has done this. We forward these texts worldwide;...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Becky Beard

    SCOTT MENDENHALL|May 8, 2024

    Dear Editor, Jefferson County residents have the opportunity to elect an outstanding, proven Legislator from Elliston, Montana, to serve as our new State Senator in the newly drawn Senate District 38, which includes nearly all of Jefferson County. I've known Becky Beard for over 25 years and always found her to be an upright, conscientious, and principled conservative who listens to her constituents and votes in line with our family and rural values. With Becky, we have a wealth of experience...

  • Dear Editor: Policy is Ridiculous

    SUSAN CONNOR|May 8, 2024

    Dear Editor, The “Infant at Work Policy” is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Employees are paid to WORK, not tend to their babies with feeding, changing diapers, etc. Get a babysitter like everybody else must do! If you can’t afford a babysitter, you should have thought of that before you had the baby. SUSAN CONNOR Whitehall, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: Clarifying Rank Choice Voting (Again)

    DON LEPINSKY|May 8, 2024

    Dear Editor, I have read some opposition views on CI126, CI127, and Rank Choice Voting (RCV) in the Whitehall Ledger recently. One opponent cited Ballotpedia's explanation of RCV to support his opposition view. So, I compared Ballotpedia's explanation to the opponent's letter and found some discrepancies. I believe the author of the most recent letter misinterpreted Ballotpedia's description of RCV. He implied in his letter that voters would have to go to the polls multiple times over a period o...

  • Thought Provokers: 5/8/2024

    May 8, 2024

    Some products are so ingrained in our daily use that companies don’t need to spend money on marketing. You almost never have to buy shoelaces anymore because shoes don’t last that long. Some people don’t know how to talk to kids because their go-to small talk with adults is to ask about work. It is a choice to be a parent. But it is not a choice to be a child. On the Internet, the final question on IQ tests is whether to pay for the result. We need unattractive people to have attractive people. Every year, your eventual death date comes and g...

  • Representative Marta Bertoglio Update - Senate Bill 442 and the Supplemental Property Tax Bill

    MARTA BERTOGLIO, Montana State Representative|May 8, 2024

    Politics can be a messy business, and the timing of our supplemental tax bill, with its paragraph blaming the Governor's office and Legislature during an election cycle, along with the timing of the veto override of SB 442, concerns me. While I try to avoid the "politics" in politics, I feel compelled to address these issues. To begin, I would like to express my reasons for supporting the Governor's veto of Senate Bill 442, a bill that would have allowed marijuana tax revenue to be used for...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 5/8/2024

    RITA BROWN, Whitehlal Ledger|May 8, 2024

    May 12, 1999 The Whitehall Town Council appointed a select committee on May 10 to evaluate all town land holdings and buildings with the purpose of improving the use and efficiency of town property. The creation of the seven-member committee was spurred by a discussion of the garage currently used by the Jefferson Valley Search & Rescue (JVSR) unit. Whitehall High School successfully defended its Academic Olympic Championship on May 10 in Dillon, bringing home the waist-high traveling trophy...

  • Scotch Ink: Finding Healing Through Art

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|May 8, 2024

    In the heart of Whitehall, a new beacon of creativity and healing has emerged: Scotch Ink Tattoo Studio, located next to The Healing Spot at 13 North Main Street in Suite 2. The shop opened in late 2023 and has steadily been making a great name for itself with its creativity, artistry, and compassion. Behind its doors lies not just a tattoo parlor but a sanctuary where pain is transformed into art and scars are adorned with beauty. Shilo Baker, the founder and artistic soul behind Scotch Ink, ha...

  • Nathan Kirk Galbreath

    May 8, 2024

    Nathan Kirk Galbreath was born in Great Falls, Montana, to Bruce and Kathy Galbreath in 1975. He passed away in Whitehall, Montana, on April 23, 2024. Nathan graduated from Three Forks High School and held a Welding degree from the University of Montana. Nathan was skilled in numerous disciplines, such as mechanics, heavy equipment, and woodworking. He possessed a CDL and was employed across Montana and the western U.S., most recently with Riverside Construction as a heavy equipment operator.... Full story

  • Karen Marie Austin, 71

    May 8, 2024

    Karen Marie Austin (Stone) passed away at home in Whitehall, Montana, on May 3, 2024, at the age of 71 after a hard-fought battle against cancer. Karen was born in Burlington, Vermont, on September 18, 1952, to Mary Charbonneau Stone (Pollender) and Joseph Stone. She graduated from Vergennes Union High School in Vergennes, Vermont, in 1970, after which she worked at Simmonds Precision in Vergennes. She met and later married Lionel Austin in April 1972. Karen and Lionel bought the Plainfield Serv... Full story

  • Rose Charlotte Hagerty, 84

    May 8, 2024

    Rose passed away peacefully in the late afternoon of April 27, 2024, at her home of 80+ years in Corbin, MT, due to health issues. She was born on April 23, 1940, to William and Maxine (Tax) Bridges. Here, she joined big sister Eleanor (Pic); the two did everything together until Pic's untimely death at 10 years of age. She attended grade school at Clancy Elementary and graduated from Jefferson County High School in Boulder in 1958. She worked for the State of Montana in the Legislature for a... Full story

  • License Required for Training Bird Dogs Using Birds Not Raised in Captivity

    MORGAN E. JACOBSEN, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks|May 8, 2024

    Anyone training bird dogs using game birds not raised in captivity needs to hold a bird dog training license, whether on private or public land. If you are training dogs with captive-reared birds, a license is not required. The Fish and Wildlife Commission requires anyone purchasing a bird dog training license intending to train on public land to designate the number of dogs being trained. These licenses can be purchased online through the FWP Online License Service, any FWP regional office, or any licensed provider. The license is $5 for...

  • Bear Activity Picks Up: Bear Aware Habits Can Prevent Conflict

    Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks|May 8, 2024

    With the onset of spring weather, both species of Montana bears are active. Much of Montana has both black and grizzly bears, with grizzlies showing up further and further east each year. Recently, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks confirmed a grizzly bear sighting in the Bear Paw Mountains east of Big Sandy. “Though not common, grizzly bear sightings around central Montana have increased over the years,” said FWP Region 6 Supervisor Drew Henry. This emphasizes the need to practice bear-aware behavior.” FWP has recently worked to increase grizz...

  • DPHHS Urges Public to Use Caution When Consuming Morel Mushrooms

    JON EBELT, Montana DPHHS|May 8, 2024

    Spring in Montana is a popular time to forage for morel mushrooms, a type of mushroom that is often considered a delicacy by restaurants and the public. However, morels can cause human illness if the proper identification, storage, and preparation steps are not taken. An outbreak of gastrointestinal (GI) illness occurred in Montana in the spring of 2023, when 51 people got sick after eating raw or only partially cooked morels at a restaurant. Three hospitalizations and two deaths were...

  • RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Crispy Hush Puppies

    May 8, 2024

    Country cooking often is associated with southern cooking, at least in the United States. Recipes feature no-nonsense meals made of unassuming ingredients that are often locally sourced. Various dishes are associated with country cooking, from macaroni and cheese to grits to collard greens. Buttermilk biscuits also are high on the list. Hush puppies are another treat that often is whipped up in country kitchens. Legend states that these crispy bites were tossed to hunting dogs so that the dogs...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Chain of Command

    BILL LANES|May 8, 2024

    The term "chain of command" is well used in business, law, military, and more. Defined basically as a ladder of authority for any organization to direct others or a system that ensures individual members stay on task and report to a supervisor. Such structure enables any organization to move forward with its mission. A perfect example of a "chain of command" is seen in Luke chapter 7. "When Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum. There a Centurion's servant, whom his master valued highly, was...

  • Between the Stacks: 5/8/2024

    JEANNIE FERRISS, Whitehall Community Library|May 8, 2024

    This Thursday, May 9th, the Friends of the Whitehall Community Library will meet at 5 PM to review their new website. The website will launch in the next few weeks and feature our calendar, links to the catalog, and other items of interest. They will also discuss the summer Reading and Feeding Program, so if you would like to attend a Friends meeting, this is a great one to pop in on. The Memory Café is back on Thursday! Dan and his crew from Montana State University will be here from 2 PM to...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: May

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|May 8, 2024

    Buenos Dias! Guess what the WGC theme was...CINCO DE MAYO. Terry Ross and Ron Roginske were the hosts, bringing a delightful Mexican flair to the table with warm and delicious breakfast burritos, a fresh fruit salad, and a chocolate Tres Leches cake that was muy muy bien! Gracias, senors! The FAST TEN was presented by Janet Chapman, showing how to take a piece of paper, like newspaper or any other paper, roll it around a cylinder-shaped device, crimping the bottom, making a perfect...

  • Swift Water Rescue Training Prepares Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue For Emergencies

    TIM SCHOBER, Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue|May 8, 2024

    To enhance their life-saving capabilities, Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue (JVSAR) members recently participated in an intensive three-day Swift Water Rescue training. Hosted by Ruby Valley Search and Rescue and attended by a Beaverhead Search and Rescue member, the training aimed to equip responders with the necessary skills to handle water-related emergencies effectively. Among the participants were Whitehall residents Matt Chapman (Co-Captain), Jamie Chapman (Secretary), and Tim Schober...

  • 2024 Whitehall Garden Club Arbor Day Photos

    May 8, 2024

  • Ledger Wrapping Up 2024 Graduation Section

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|May 8, 2024

    The WHS Class of 2024 will be graduating in less than a month! BUSINESSES: The Ledger will be putting together its keepsake Graduation Section. Is your business interested in running an ad of congratulations for this section? Please let the Whitehall Ledger know as soon as possible! The deadline for inclusion is May 13, 2024; the graduation section will run in the May 29, 2024 edition of the Ledger as well as be handed out at graduation. Congrats ads in this section are priced as follows: • Business card: $40 • Rectangle (3 column x 4”): $75 ...

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