Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by Jayne Dean

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 41

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: February

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Feb 12, 2025

    The Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) has made excellent plans for the coming year. But before we get to business, let's re-drool; I mean, review the delightful breakfast brunch awaiting all members and guests. Hostesses Janet Finney and Karen Ranta presented a beautiful table of muffilicious muffins, at least five different varieties, beautifully arranged fruit platters, and a dish of candied orange slices, cinnamon hearts, and lots of chocolate Hershey's Kisses, all on a Valentine's Day motif. The...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: December

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Dec 11, 2024

    The Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) is off to having the merriest of Christmas festivities! The Whitehall Volunteer Fire Station barrels have been decorated by a WGC elf with such sparkle and aplomb for all to enjoy. Christmas trees cut by the WGC forest elves have been brought to town and are ready for sale near the Montana Western Legacy Center. $25 for each beautiful tree! Along with community festivities, the WGC also held the installation of their officers (Kathy Ross, President; Jayne Dean,...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: November

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Nov 13, 2024

    As you know, every month, the Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) has a remarkable meeting, starting off with a "meeting at the table of plenty," always full of delectable dishes. The November meeting was no different except for the "gobble gobble" sounds coming from a delighted group of members thankful for the bountiful brunch! The hostesses were Janet Finney and Glenna Waltee, who designed (literally... there was a fresh fruit platter that looked exactly like a turkey) and created the most...

  • Advent Wreath Making & Cookie Exchange November 24th

    JAYNE DEAN|Nov 13, 2024

    As Advent approaches (December 1) make sure to mark your calendars and save the date for the Advent Wreath Making and Cookie Exchange day. This annual event will be held on Sunday, November 24, 2024 at St Teresa’s Hall (107 E Second St) from 1 PM to 3 PM. All wreath supplies are provided. Just bring 1-2 dozen of your favorite cookies to exchange for a delicious variety to take home with you. Wreaths and Cookies..Music and Friendship ... a GREAT start to the Christmas season. Everyone is welcome; however, please remember supplies are l...

  • A Little Slice of Pie...or Heaven?!?

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Sep 25, 2024

    The Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) held another successful and delicious Pie-By-The-Slice and Pie Auction, with pies brought in by community members at this year's annual Fall Festival. Participants chose which non-profit would receive the proceeds from the silent auction of their pie. Non-profits included 4 Paws Animal Rescue, Gold Junction Presents, PULSE Ambulance, and more. Some were even dedicated to the WGC itself! The variety was deliciously amazing, and 25 beautiful pies were up for silent...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: September

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Sep 11, 2024

    As summer is closing, the Whitehall Garden Club keeps blooming with another tremendously delicious, hilarious, and informative meeting. Janet Chapman, Janet Finney, and Kay Fisher created the most delicious breakfast imaginable! Blueberry scones were "melt in your mouth" tender, zucchini bread was full of deliciousness, a French toast bake was so yummy, and a sausage egg/bread bake made you return for more! The freshly sliced cantaloupe was the perfect addition to this scrumptious brunch. Thank...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: August

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Aug 14, 2024

    Instead of the regular monthly meeting at the Bordens conference room, the Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) met at the home of member Karen Nielsen and her husband Travis, looking forward to a sun-filled garden tour. The Club was immediately enchanted with the variety of places to explore. There was the corral with its beautiful horses, the sloped hillsides, and the outlined green grass lawns, all covered with bright and tall standing sunflowers, planted like Mother Nature had done the job herself....

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: July

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Jul 17, 2024

    Summer is here! The fields are green, our gardens are growing, and flowers bloom! Speaking of blooming, Laura Horn and Amber Colombo planted a scrumptious buffet for all to enjoy. Flower-bloom-shaped egg salad sandwiches, crazy delicious cheese spreads, bursting full of flavor garden-sized homemade sub sandwiches, teas, fresh fruit, and sponge cake cups blooming full of strawberries and cream were an edible garden gone wild! Thank you! The meeting proceeded, led by President Kathy Ross. The...

  • Whimsical Wonders' Enchanted Forest Faire

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Whimsical Wonders|Jun 26, 2024

    The Whitehall Whimsical Wonders had a "wonder-ful" and enchanted time because the Whitehall community participated in the ENCHANTED FAIRE. We want to thank Gold Junction Presents and Liz Pullman for their vision of having a strong fine arts program for our great town and helping foster creativity in many ways. WWW would also like to thank the community members who created awesome fairy dwellings in all shapes, sizes, and themes, displaying 27 individual fairy dwellings along the magical pathway...

  • Dear Editor: Thank You, Freedom Floral!


    Dear Editor, We would like to thank Freedom Floral for donating certain types of flowers to the First and Second graders in the Summer School program at Whitehall Elementary. With such inquisitiveness, the students loved learning about the parts of a flower by actually dissecting the flowers. Hands-on learning is one of the best teaching methods and the students really enjoyed their experiences. The bonus was the tulips were full of pollen for the students to observe. Thank you again, Freedom...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: June 2024

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Jun 12, 2024

    The Whitehall Garden Club met Wednesday, June 5th, at the Borden's Conference Room with their usual "bloom," as well as a delicious morning brunch including a colorful springtime fruit salad, dilled deviled eggs, and a crockpot full of kielbasa. Since June is "Gingerbread Month" (I'm sure everyone knows this), a gingerbread sheet cake with mounds of fresh whipped cream or frosting was devoured, all beautifully arranged for the eye and the tummy. The day's first order was Ann Palmer presenting...

  • How is Your Enchanted Dwelling Coming Along?

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Whimsical Wonders|Jun 12, 2024

    Fairies, elves, gnomes, pixies, or brownies are all unique in their lore and dwellings, which gives you an enormous amount of creative license to build a dwelling for your favorite fae (fairie). The dwelling can be made from anything! Get creative! Something from nature, or maybe a basket from your garage, perhaps some wonderfully old box you've been saving for just this occasion. Just imagine, create, and build. Your fairy dwelling can be brought to the park on June 22, 9 AM, where you will get a spot to display your fairy dwelling on the...

  • Mark Your Calendar: The Fairytale Continues

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Whimsical Wonders|May 22, 2024

    Dust off your fairy wings, polish your troll tusks, and let your imagination soar! Whitehall's Whimsical Wonders are thrilled to announce the second annual Enchanted Faire, a magical event where the whimsical meets the wonderful. On Saturday, June 22, 2024, from 11 AM to 3 PM, the Main Street Green (next to the historic Star Theatre) will transform into a mystical wonderland, inviting wizards, fairies, gnomes, and woodland creatures of all ages to join in the merriment. Unleash Your Creativity:...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: May

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|May 8, 2024

    Buenos Dias! Guess what the WGC theme was...CINCO DE MAYO. Terry Ross and Ron Roginske were the hosts, bringing a delightful Mexican flair to the table with warm and delicious breakfast burritos, a fresh fruit salad, and a chocolate Tres Leches cake that was muy muy bien! Gracias, senors! The FAST TEN was presented by Janet Chapman, showing how to take a piece of paper, like newspaper or any other paper, roll it around a cylinder-shaped device, crimping the bottom, making a perfect...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: April

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Apr 10, 2024

    Spring has sprung if you can use the WGC Brunch buffet table as an indicator. Diane Ward and Mary Baughn set a table to rival any spring garden! Tangerines were transformed into blossoms, hard-boiled eggs made to look like daisies, hand-held fruit-filled pies that melted in deliciousness, and everyone's favorite potato dish with a fresh zucchini and pineapple mix. Refreshing and thoroughly enjoyed! Thank you, Diane and Mary... a great way to greet the day. The business meeting was held as a remi...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: March

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Mar 13, 2024

    Top of the mornin' to ya! 'Twas a lovely sight, the breakfast buffet set forth by Glenna Waltee and Joan Myhre. The green deviled eggs, the soda bread, the shamrock sandwiches, a green fruit salad, and, of course, the "Blarney Stones" delighted members and guests alike. The motto, "Eat, Drink (fruit juice of course) and Be Irish was the theme of the brunch! Glenna Waltee did a FAST TEN presentation on the shamrock. Interestingly, Shamrocks are not native to Ireland but are used as good luck...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: February

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Feb 14, 2024

    The Whitehall Garden Club held its first meeting for the NEW YEAR. Judy Chadwick and Karen Ranta regaled the club with a delightful and picturesque Valentine's buffet full of delicious muffins, yogurt parfaits, and other nibbles served with refreshing mimosas (virgin of course) to bring in the Club's NEW YEAR. Ann Palmer presented the FAST TEN MINUTES with clever ideas about early planting seeds in a variety of home containers. We are all anxious to start planning our gardens and Ann's ideas wer...

  • Tis the Season! Whitehall Garden Club December News

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Dec 13, 2023

    The Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) met Wednesday, December 6th at hostess Glenna Waltee's festive home, the event starting with delicious treats and lots of visiting. The first action of the day was the official installation of officers, which culminated in Kathy Ross as president; Jayne Dean as vice President, and Laura Horn as secretary/treasurer. The newly formed committees will meet in January to discuss their plans for the 2024 year, therefore there is no formal WGC meeting in January. Next...

  • 'Tis the Season

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Resident|Dec 6, 2023

    The Advent Wreath Workshop at St. Teresa's was full of good cheer, lots of creativity, and a table full of delicious cookies for sharing. What a special beginning to a beautiful season....

  • Caught In the Act of Holiday Decorating!

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Resident|Dec 6, 2023

    Aha! The Whitehall Garden Club elves were caught decorating the fire station barrels for the upcoming holiday months! They decorated throughout the fire siren going off, and watched as Whitehall's volunteer firefighter men and women arrived to get to the emergency, sirens blaring and making all of us so proud! Whitehall is blessed!...

  • Let's Begin Christmas with an Advent Wreath!

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Community Member|Nov 15, 2023

    ADVENT is nearing and what a great opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the beautiful Christmas season by creating an ADVENT WREATH. You are invited to make an ADVENT WREATH and have fun with the COOKIE EXCHANGE at St Teresa of Avila’s Catholic church on December 3, 2023, from 2 PM to 4 PM. Meet in the hall, all supplies for the wreathes are provided and you can also bring 1-2 dozen holiday cookies to exchange for a variety of cookies for you to take home! We hope to see you on December 3, please RSVP to Kathy at (406) 404-4218 and all a...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: October

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Oct 11, 2023

    It wasn't a particularly scary day, but the WGC members were met with a brunch table of ghoulish delights. Jayne Dean and Glenna Waltee collaborated and devised morning treats to make the monsters mash! Nothing like starting your morning off with a witch's finger, or a deviled bloodshot eye! What a treat but with more treats to come when the meeting was called to order. President Kathy Ross introduced the first guest speaker, Heidi Austin, proprietor of the Healing Spot. Heidi's "Spot" offers a...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: September

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Sep 13, 2023

    Whitehall Garden Club "Hops" into Fall! The WGC meeting on September 6 started with a wonderful social time, full of delicious dishes created by Diane Ward and Barbara Lien. Members could cozy up to the buffet and enjoy two scrumptious egg dishes, fresh fruit, churro bites, and of course, the usual morning drinks. I say 'usual' because the guest speaker Cathy Hatch had something else up her "sleeve" a bit later. Thank you Barbara and Diane for helping us wake up with a taste of sunshine. The...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News: August

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Aug 9, 2023

    Welcome to August, with all things growing (finally, I might add) and gardens starting to burst with their abundance. Hostesses Judy Chadwick and Ann Palmer in true Whitehall Garden Club aplomb, set forth a brunch celebrating "edible flowers" right from their gardens. Featured were delicately flavored floral lavender muffins, an egg dish with zucchini blossoms on top, frozen berries with honey granola sprinkled with dried and crushed rose petals, crisp crackers with cream cheese topped with...

  • Garden Club Meeting Date Change for Progressive Lunch

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Jun 28, 2023

    There is a small change to the Whitehall Garden Club meeting this July. The WGC will be meeting on July 12, the second Wednesday at 10 AM. The brief meeting will be held at Glenna’s house (check your book for the address) and is the first hop of our member’s annual Garden Tours and Progressive Lunch. The June minutes has all the details and if you signed up for something don’t forget! If you didn’t sign up, you still can bring a salad/side dish or dessert. This is the time when our members get to show off their gardens! Remember good walking...

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