Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Lady Trojans Lose Two, But Pick Up Big Win Against Manhattan Tigers

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 13, 2023

    The Whitehall Lady Trojans took on the Lady Panthers of Boulder on Tuesday, September 5th but unfortunately were unable to secure a win. The first set was 19-25, the second was 16-25, and the third set was 9-25, coach Josie Jenkins reported. On Thursday, September 7th, the Trojans played the Ennis Mustangs and lost again in three sets. The first two sets were 21-25 and the last set was 19-25. The Lady Trojans' luck turned around on Saturday, September 9th when they beat Manhattan in five sets....

  • Wolves Win Over Trojans

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 13, 2023

    On Friday, September 7, the Whitehall/Harrison Trojan varsity football team lost their away non-conference game against Three Forks/Willow Creek Wolves by a score of 45-0....

  • Hunter's Education Now Registering

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 13, 2023

    Whitehall will hold Hunter’s Education, taught by Dave Cole, at the Whitehall Community Center in September. If you were born after January 1, 1985, and want to hunt, you must become certified. The Whitehall class will be held September 18, 25, 26, 28, 29, and 30. Participants must attend the whole class. The class is open to students 10 years of age and older. There is no fee for the class, however, class size is limited so register soon. Participants must pre-register on the Montana FWP website. Go to the Hunter Ed page and look for the c...

  • Trojan Sports in Full Force

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 6, 2023

    TROJAN SPORTS IN FULL SWING: (Above) Trojan fans at Friday's football game. Photo courtesy JENNIFER HOERAUF. (Below left) Trojan #3 goes for the sack. Photo courtesy LADAWN MCMILLAN. (Below mid-left) Payton DuBois cheers on the Trojans. Photo courtesy LADAWN MCMILLAN. (Below mid-right) Ellison sets for her teammates. Photo courtesy JENNIFER HOERAUF. (Right) Sam Valov clocks an impressive time at the RUN BXC Invitational. Photo courtesy TAMARA KIDWELL....

  • Trojan XC Posts Impressive Times at Rux BXC Invitational

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 6, 2023

    The Whitehall Trojan Cross Country team put up impressive times at the Run Bozeman Cross Country Invitational on September 1 and 2 in Bozeman. GIRLS: WHS junior Lele Martin 25:48, junior Kaycee Murphy 27:09 BOYS: WHS sophomore Jordan Mercer 23:55, junior Sam Valov 21:20....

  • Trojans Defeat Fairfield Eagles|Sep 6, 2023

    On Friday, September 1 the Whitehall/Harrison Trojan varsity football team won their home non-conference game against Fairfield/Augusta (Fairfield, MT) by a score of 37-25. The Whitehall/Harrison Trojans football squad scored 37 points and limited the visiting Fairfield/Augusta to 25 in the Trojans non-league win on Friday. The Trojans now possess a 1-1 record. They play next when they travel to Three Forks/Willow Creek for a non-league battle on Friday, September 8. Whitehall/Harrison will...

  • Lady Trojans Fall to Townsend

    Sep 6, 2023

    The Whitehall Lady Trojans took on the Townsend Lady Bulldogs on Tuesday, August 29 but unfortunately came up a bit short. Lady Trojan coach Josie Jenkins reported that the team lost all three of their varsity sets, 20-25, 23-25, and 8-25. The Lady Trojans next game will be on Thursday, September 7 against the Ennis Mustangs in Whitehall. JV games begin at 4:30 PM, with Varsity games following up at 5:30 PM....

  • Athletic Hall of Fame Announces Nominations

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 9, 2023

    The 2023 WHS Athletic Hall of Fame nominations have been announced, with induction being planned for Frontier Days 2024. Three individuals, one team, and one contributor were brought for nomination to the board. LAYNE GLAUS: Nominated by Ed Simon, Layne Glaus was a three-sport WHS athlete from 2002 to 2006, participating in cross country, basketball, and track. “Watching Layne play in high school was electrifying as there were several games when he put his team on his shoulders and carried them to a victory,” said Simon in his nomination pap...

  • Congratulations Jennifer Hoerauf: MNA Best Sports Photo

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 21, 2023

    BEST IN SHOW FOR DIVISION I NEWSPAPERS: This photo was taken by Jennifer Hoerauf and submitted for award consideration by the Whitehall Ledger to the Montana Newspaper Association. The Ledger received notice that Hoerauf's photo, featuring wrestler Cody Fuller, was selected as the Best Sports Photo for 2023! Congratulations Jennifer and thank you for all the great photos!...

  • Lanes Goes Sunny Side Up in Dillon

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 14, 2023

    FIRST TIME EVER: Whitehall Town Councilman and pastor Bill Lanes participated in Saturday's Demolition Derby in Dillon for their opening summer event. Lanes has crashed nearly 87 vehicles in over 125 rounds, but had never been rolled. On Saturday, due to a good hit and soft arena sand, he found himself on his lid in the arena. Thankfully he only suffered a bruised shoulder!...

  • 300+ Awards Presented at WHS Letterman Dinner

    May 31, 2023

    Whitehall High School presented over 300 awards to athletes of cross country, football, wrestling, basketball, volleyball, and track & field, as well as theatre at the 2023 Letterman's Dinner on Wednesday, May 24. The Whitehall Booster cLub put on quite a feast in honor of the following participants: SENIOR AWARDS Manon Bornert: 1st letter - Basketball, receives basketball pin, manager pin, and a W. Sage Buus: 4th letter - Football, receives service bar; Academic All-State for football. First...

  • Trojans At State Track

    May 31, 2023

    The Whitehall High School Trojan Track & Field team brought the Trojan Pride to the State Track & Field Meet in Butte. The girls 4 x 100m relay (Hope Moriarty, Julia Hoagland, Lexi Stratton, Maxine Hoagland) missed making the finals by mere milliseconds, but they represented Whitehall very well with a 52.50 race. Kyle Denny chucked the Javelin 129-6 and placed 14th. Hoagland's 1:02.58 in the 400m earned her 8th place at state. She placed fifth in the 100m as well....

  • Several Trojans Headed to State Track & Field

    May 24, 2023

    MEN’S RESULTS: Varsity 400 Meter: 13th freshman Tucker Huckaba (55.53a PR). Varsity 4x100 Relay: 10th freshman K.T. Schuller, junior Parker Wagner, senior Kyle Denny, senior Nick Denny (46.44a). Varsity 4x400 Relay: 11th freshman Dixon Koenig, freshman Tucker Huckaba, senior Nick Denny, junior Parker Wagner (3:47.45a). Varsity Javelin: 8th senior Kyle Denny (137-06); Denny will move on to state competition. Varsity High Jump: 10th freshman Tucker Huckaba (5-06.00 PR). 10th freshman K.T. Schuller (5-06.00 PR). Varsity Pole Vault: 10th junior Isa...

  • Trojans Represent at District 5B Track & Field

    May 17, 2023

    MEN'S RESULTS: Varsity 100 Meter: 8th junior Parker Wagner (11.94a PR), 9th sophomore K.T. Schuller (12.21a PR), 17th freshman Cooper Fernstrom (12.78a PR) Varsity 200 Meter: 7th junior Parker Wagner (24.49a), 9th freshman K.T. Schuller (25.20a PR) Varsity 400 Meter: 6th freshman Tucker Huckaba (55.85a PR), 7th Dixon Koenig (55.92a PR). Huckaba will be moving on to Divisionals. Varsity 800 Meter: 10th sophomore Ethan Wock (2:21.38a PR) Varsity 4x100 Relay: 6th freshman K.T. Schuller, junior Parker Wagner, freshman Dixon Koenig, senior Nick...

  • Whitehall Mother's Day O-Mok-See Results

    Whitehall Saddle Club|May 17, 2023

    Leadline: Wayne Johnson, 300 pts 8-11: Allie Ebert, 360 pts Katie Ebert, 500 pts 12-15: Lilly Ebert, 190 pts Abby Swoboda, 470 pts Kaylee O'Shee, 450 pts 16-39: Darbi Rebo, 290 pts Michael Johnson, 480 pts Jeremy Williams, 470 pts Annie Williams, 270 pts Brittany Delehart, 300pts Tana Billingsley, 80 pts Tyler Twaddle, 180 pts Caleb O'Shee, 300pts Christy O'Shee, 280 pts 40+ Chris Ouellette, 360 pts Chad O'Shee, 500 pts...

  • WHS Golf Finally Competes Since Snow Cleared

    JULIE KIECKBUSCH, WHS Golf Coach|Apr 19, 2023

    Whitehall High School Golf found a clear golf course and had at it! Their first meet of the season, in Townsend, had been preceded by two weeks of cancellations due to snow; not to be outdone, this meet was very windy! WHS Golf traveled to Livingston for a JV and Varsity meet on Tuesday, April 18. The following students participated in the first meet: senior Gavin Watson (58), sophomore Issac Skogen (69), sophomore Ethan Wock (75), junior Riley Reynolds (58), junior Gavin Hokenson (70),...

  • Pool Shark Report: 4/19/2023

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Apr 19, 2023

    The Whitehall Independent Pool League completed its 30th year with an end-of-year awards ceremony and pool tournament. This year's 1st place team was K Bar #1, which was comprised of Will Bowen, Michael Clark, Willy Cusson, Chuck Dirkson, Kevin LaFond, and Gordy Lyons. 2nd place team was Mint #2, comprised of Leslie Dyson, Rick Kelley, Dwayne McClanahan, and Jay VonBergen. 3rd place team was K Bar #2, comprised of Tyler Babcock, Jeremy Jensen, Kenton Keener, and Chris Nelson. The Sportsmanship trophy went to Mint #1, made up of Shawn Amidon,...

  • A Big THANK YOU to Wrestling Raffle Supporters

    JARI WOCK, Whitehall Wrestling|Apr 5, 2023

    Thank you to everyone who supports Whitehall Wrestling and to everyone who purchased a raffle ticket this season! Special thanks to the following individuals and businesses that donated to our raffle: Riverstone Rental, Pulse Hair and Nail Salon, Hoover Halters, Smith Supply, and the Two Bit Saloon. RAFFLE WINNERS: Grand Prize (2-night stay Pipestone Hot Springs): Keith Hokanson First Prize (2-night stay Riverstone Rental Cabin in South Boulder with Pony Bar certificate): Michelle Hoover Second...

  • Pool Shark Report: Weeks of 3/9/2023, 3/16/2023, and 3/23/2023

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Mar 29, 2023

    Week of 3-9-2023 TEAM K Bar #2: 12 wins, 5 lost Two Bit #1: 11 wins, 6 lost MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Tyler Babcock, Jeremy Jensen, Rick Kelley WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Jeanette Bird, Mady Carmody Week of 3-16-2023 TEAM K Bar #1: 16 wins, 1 loss Mint #2: 12 wins, 5 lost MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Tyler Blair, Will Bowen, Will Cusson, Brian Hartford, Gordy Lyons, Dwayne McClanahan WOMEN Leslie Dyson: 3 wins, 1 lost 2 wins, 2 losses: Shawna Amidon, Terry Chadwick, Deanna Wall Week of 3-23-2023 TEAM Mint #2 12 wins 5 lost K Bar #1 11 wins 6 lost MEN 4 wins,...

  • Grabil Takes 2nd at Montana Open

    CHAD GRABIL, Contributing Writer|Mar 29, 2023

    On March 24-26, 2023 the annual Montana Open Wrestling Tournament took place in Billings, MT. With a record-setting 2,486 wrestlers registered from 10+ states, it was an epic battle that will go down in history. Second-grader Kyla Grabil of Whitehall, MT was the lone standing wrestler from our community. Weighing in at 57.5lbs, Kyla chose to wrestle in the 8U (8 and Under) 62-pound girls weight class, primarily because her best friend from Deer Lodge was wrestling 8U 58; this ensured both a...

  • Little Guy Wrestling Dominates State Tourney

    CASEY MCLEAN|Mar 22, 2023

    The following are the 2023 South West Montana Little Guy State Results, held in Livingston over the weekend Pee Wee 38: Hokan Burtchett - 2nd place Pee Wee 50: 1st grader Zayde Zitnik - 2nd place Pee Wee 52: Julian Arterbury - 4th place Pee Wee 55: 1st grader Westyn Lewis - 1st place Pee Wee 85: 1st grader Noah Graveley - 1st place Beginner 112: 2nd grader Kalvin Ostrander - 2nd place Novice 70: 4th grader Blair Ressler - 4th place Novice 110: 2nd grader Ty McLean - 4th place Novice Girls 115:...

  • Grapplers Finish Out Season at State AAU in Billings

    MELISSA FULLER, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 22, 2023

    • Gunner South (8th grade, Schoolboy 95): Championship Round 1: Defeated by Lycaeus Lybeck (Darkhorse Wrestling Club) by fall (2:47). Consolation Round 1: Won over Kevin Branson (Shepherd Wrestling Club) by major decision (15-2). Consolation Round 2: Won over Justin Kehler (Hardin Wrestling Club) by fall (3:58). Consolation Round 3: Defeated by Jonah Casterline (Laurel Matburners) by fall over (0:54). • Cale Hoover (7th grade, Schoolboy 110): Championship Round 1: Won over Kadyn Evans (Da...

  • Hoagland and French Take On SWMT All Star Classic

    Mar 22, 2023

    Congratulations to Whitehall Trojan athletes junior Gavin French and senior Maxine Hoagland for being selected to the Southwest Montana High School All-Star Basketball Classic! Both the boys and girls Big Sky teams came out on top! The games were held at the Montana Tech HYPER Complex on March 14 in Butte. Maxine and Gavin both had great games. Also, congratulations to Trojan coaches Tanner Neumann and Heath Hansen for being chosen to coach in this game....

  • Little Guy Wrestlers Place High at Helena Tourney

    CASEY MCLEAN|Mar 15, 2023

    Results of 2023 South West Montana Little Guy Divisionals in held Helena on Saturday, March 11. These wrestlers will compete at State in Livingston on Saturday, March 18. • Pee Wee 38 2nd place: Hokan Burtchett • Pee Wee 50 1st place: 1st grader Zayde Zitnik • Pee Wee 52 4th place: 1st grader James Weber • Pee Wee 52 3rd place: Julian Arterbury • Pee Wee 55 2nd place: 1st grader Westyn Lewis • Pee Wee 60 2nd place: 1st grader Ronan Ball • Pee Wee 85 1st place: 1st grader Noah Graveley • Pe...

  • Witzel Takes Fifth at Lewistown Middle School Tourney

    MELISSA FULLER, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 8, 2023

    It was an early morning Saturday for middle school wrestlers and their fans. The doors to Fergus County High School Gym in Lewistown opened at 6:45 AM. It was a long hard day of wrestling. Some fans occupied the gym for over 13 hours! Tucker Witzel walked away with a hard-fought 5th-place medal. Here are the results: Quade Skogen (6th grade, 75lb): • Championship Round 1 - Defeated by Hazen Foss (Sidney) by fall (0:39). • Consolation Round 1 - Bye. • Consolation Round 2 - Defeated by Wyatt...

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