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A recall election for five Town of Whitehall officials will not move forward. Last Friday, Seventh Judicial District Judge Katherine M. Bidegaray ruled in favor of an order granting second amended application for injunctive relief filed by Mayor Dale Davis, and Council Members Vincent Keogh, Gary Housman, Tom Jenkin and Joe Adams. The ruling by Bidegaray states the respondents (The Jefferson County Elections Office, Jefferson County Election Administrator Bonnie Ramey, and Recall Petitioner Lynn Nemeth) are permanently restrained and enjoined f...
The Whitehall Town Council approved a resolution Monday night to increase cemetery fees. The measure passed 5-0 to increase the fees to $125 for weekday cremation burials, and $150 for weekend and holidays. The fee for casket burials will now be $250 for weekdays, and $350 for weekend and holidays. Tabled from last months meeting, the Council discussed modifying charges for solid waste services. Town Attorney Elizabeth Musick said when she sat down to draft Resolution 2016-3, she reviewed the resolution that was approved at the December 14,...
At their General Meeting Monday afternoon, members of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce discussed the 2016 Christmas Stroll. Chamber member Jan Thorne said she talked with several vendors, and they told her they had a good day of sales. Member Laurel Ovitt said she had a table at the Vendor Market and her sales also went well. Members also discussed the inaugural Whitehall Christmas Stroll Scavenger Hunt. Thorne said this was their first time conducting the event, and in the future it could be...
There are currently two drilling projects underway at the Barrick Golden Sunlight Mine near Whitehall. At the Community Transition Advisory Committee last week, Mine General Manager Dan Banghart said they have been active on the exploration front, with two drilling projects in the Apex area. He said one is doing delineation drilling, and the other is doing geotechnical work. He said they are drilling in the APEX area to see if the ore body makes sense for going underground. Banghart said a third drilling project was recently completed in the un...
Each year local residents come together for the Whitehall Community Christmas Cantata. The 2016 Christmas Cantata titled “One Silent Night: A Christmas Ballad of Love and Joy” will take place Sunday, December 18 at 7 p.m. at the Whitehall First Christian Church. There is no charge for admission....
Those who have recently visited the Whitehall Senior Center will have certainly noticed a new Christmas decoration this year. Near the front window of the center sits a "Minnie Mouse" tree that was donated by the Barrick Golden Sunlight Mine. The tree was donated to the 19th Annual Festival of Trees by Small Car Clinic, and was designed by Susan Nelson. The mine won the tree as part of the auction at the fundraising event. Senior Center Director Mary Gustin said most who come in really seem to...
A light snow was falling Saturday morning as local residents made their way to the 2016 Christmas Stroll. It was the perfect weather for a wonderful event. I was able to spend the day covering many of the events and it was nice to see not only a great turnout, but also all of the smiling faces. This is a special time of year and it was good to see the community come together. The fine arts show returned for the second year, and in a short amount of time has really turned into something special....
As I'm sure is the case with most small businesses, there are times when things get tight financially. This has been the case the past couple of months, and when I woke up Saturday morning I wanted to check my account to see if a couple of checks had cleared. I got a lot more than I bargained for, and not in a good way. In the back of my mind I always hope to open my account and see that a generous person has transferred me some money, but I'm pretty sure that's not ever going to happen. What I...
Just think, next week at this time it will be the winter solstice. The days will start getting longer! I know it will be cold, but it just means that God is preparing for Spring. And did you notice that ever faithful moon? Every thing is precise and in order and dependable. Whose in charge of that? The Lady Cougars at Cardwell had great success at the Sheridan Tourney. They won 3 out of 4 games. After four games and a lot of hard work, the girls were pretty tired! This will be the last week for...
The Missouri Headwaters Partnership, a group made up of the 9 watershed councils in the area, has been contacted by a group, the Blackfoot Challenge, wanting to “help” us reduce conflict with grizzly bears, wolves and other large predators. Most of this kind of “help” is really designed to get taxpayer funded grants for the individuals leading the effort with solving any problem with landowner or grass roots involvement being the bait to get the money. That may or may not be the case here. I have found over the years that it is better to have...
Monday, Dec. 5 1:27 a.m. - traffic/roads parking, West 2nd Avenue, Whitehall 5:55 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, I-90 eastbound, MM 270, Boulder 8:37 a.m. - traffic accident/1 vehicle/injury, 162 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall 10:13 a.m. - traffic accident/1 vehicle/non-injury, I-90 eastbound, MM 249, Whitehall 11:20 p.m. - traffic/ reckless, I-90 eastbound, MM 261, Cardwell 6:02 p.m. – theft of motor vehicle, 411 West Legion Avenue, Whitehall 6:12 p.m. - traffic & roads-moving, I-90 eastbound, MM 239, Whitehall 10:06 p.m. - welfare chec...
Walter Alvin Steingruber was called to his heavenly home on December 5, 2016. Walt was born on March 27, 1927, in the ranch house on the family ranch in Milligan Canyon, near Willow Creek, MT, to Frederick and Marie (Hager) Steingruber. He attended Willow Creek School and graduated from high school in 1945. He entered the army in the fall of 1945 and served in the Korean War. During his time in Korea he developed rheumatic fever and spent several months in an army hospital before returning to th... Full story
Marion Atkins, married to John Tebay, passed away in the early morning of December 8, 2016. Interment will be held 11:00am Saturday December 17th at the Whitehall Cemetery. There will be a luncheon at the Whitehall Community Center following the burial. All are welcome to attend. Marion’s brother, Sidney Atkins passed away in November and will also be buried at this time. Memorials may be sent to the Al Bedoo Shrine Hospital Transportation Fund: 1125 Broadwater Ave Billings Mt 59102....
Hi Folks, At our regular meeting last week, we approved Resolution 36-2016 which creates the Sugar Beet Row RSID. We also approved Resolutions 36 and 37 which rescinded Resolutions 25 and 26 that set up the referendum on the Ambulance District and set the powers of the Board. We will hold the Public Hearing for the creation of the Ambulance District next week at 2:00 during our regular meeting in the Clerk and Recorders Building. We are in the process of reviewing Proposals for contractors to do the stream work in the Jefferson Slough. We will...
What a great visit we had with Santa on Saturday! The Library staff wishes to express a special thank you to the Friends of the Library for providing goodie bags for the children, refreshments for the adults, setting up the snack tables, and helping the staff clean up afterwards. Of course, a huge thank you to our dear Santa who listened to almost 100 children tell him their most-wanted requests for this year. I hope the parents were able to take great pictures with all the excitement. However did we manage without cameras on our cellphones?...
Many of the second through fifth graders are moving closer and closer to completing their first marathon as part of Marathon Kids, a program which promotes physical activity through walking and jogging. Miles are logged and progress is displayed on a bulletin board in the foyer of the elementary school. With a maximum of four marathons to be completed by the end of the school year, prizes funded through a Fuel Up to Play 60 grant, will be awarded at the completion of each marathon. Some are...
The Whitehall High School boy's basketball team shook off a season opening loss with two convincing wins at last week's Manhattan Invitational. The Trojans picked up a 66-45 win over Cut Bank on Friday, and used a huge second quarter Saturday on their way to a 58-34 win over Deer Lodge. Head Coach Zach McLean said going into the game against Cut Bank they had two really good practices. "It felt really good to get that first win for sure," he said. Whitehall was led in the game Friday by...
Three games into the season, it is already crystal clear there is something special about the 2016-17 Whitehall High School girl's basketball team. After matching their win total from last season with a season opening win over Manhattan Christian, the Lady Trojans picked up two more wins at last week's Manhattan Invitational to improve their record to 3-0. Head Coach Herman Gerving said it has been wonderful to see the Lady Trojans start to play with confidence. Whitehall opened up the...
Despite being shorthanded, the Whitehall High School wrestling team had some strong performances at two home events last week. After opening the season with four individual champions at the Cascade Tournament, the Trojans hosted the Whitehall Mixer Thursday and the Whitehall Duals Friday and Saturday. Coach Steve Sacry said the events in Whitehall were a good contrast to Cascade. "The weekend focused on team scores over individual scores. In the dual tournament it is valuable to fill all the...
The Whitehall High School Speech, Drama, and Debate team attended the Dillon meet on Saturday, December 10. According to coach Cathy Kopf, the team placed third for Class B Speech. Whitehall had three finalists: Evelyn Frankenstein placed third in Spontaneous Oral Interpretation, Alicia Konold place fifth and Catelyn Stone placed eighth, both in Dramatic Oral Interpretation. Also competing were Rebecca Meyer in Serious Oral Interpretation, and Bradley Morrison in Humorous Oral Interpretation. The next meet is on January 7 in...